Postwar Settlers. A Portrait Collage of Lower Silesia.
This project is a collection of painted portraits of the last representatives of the generation that arrived in Lower Silesia as a ...
Artifictions is an intentionally coined, previously non-existent word combining two semantic areas: artificiality (falseness, unnaturalness) and fiction (fantasy, invention, illusion). Such a combination therefore creates a tautological linguistic construct, whose individual parts repeat their meaning.
At ...
The installations explore the correlation between the biological and synthetic worlds, addressing themes of materiality and corporeality. Rapid technological advancements increasingly mimic and interfere with living bodies and other ...
click to see view of the exhibition Body Image
Can you talk about yourself in abstract way?
Can experiment be a method to discover yourself?
Can a body be a image and ...
"Light resonance" is a series of abstract watercolor paintings on canvas, created in experimental way used physics and chemical phenomenon and made without common paintings tools. Also a huge ...
BIO.S is a series of painting made in the technique of watercolor on canvas. Awarded UAP Artistic Award in painting competition Nowy Obraz/ Nowe Spojrzenie in 2018.
(click an ...
The last "Ours" Portraits - is a series of oil paintings on canvas using a ready patterned fabric. Usually, these curtains, found in stores with clothing used in the ...
Dynamic abstract is my first series paintings touched by my experimental way of using watercolour. Exploration of this technique and unique form, shaping canvases helped me to express my ...
Profacessing (przetwarzenia, in polish) is a series of drawings portraits inspired the process of time passing away, changes between people, reactions and emotions. It is a combination of tradition and ...