our last portraits

The last “Ours” Portraits – is a series of oil paintings on canvas using a ready patterned fabric. Usually, these curtains, found in stores with clothing used in the lowest sales system – 5 PLN or 3 PLN / pcs. However, their price does not play a more important role here, but the goal of using them. Typically, these  single pieces, scraps that usually do not find buyers. Unwanted, unnecessary become a work of art, gain a new and next life. Patterned fabrics of this type metaphorically and physically are integrated with portraits of older people. Stretched they are a base as a foundation which allow the figures emerging. Realistically painted portraits depict the characters of local residents of the Łubnice commune and the Staszów poviat. They are both Monika’s neighbors, living relative persons, as well as those accidentally met strangers. The are presented at the moment of telling a story, they tend to talk, and with their emotional charge, look to reflection. In addition, the picture treated quite expressively creates a powerful expression.

The title of the series is not accidental. The use of the “last” password acts as an appeal. It is an attempt to draw attention and immortalize the departing generation. The changes of the village and its societies familiar to us obliterate the archaic world, and at the same time magical colorful folklore, full of mysterious stories, loud chants and customs.


The author does not present it directly to us. The images presented are intended to awaken the viewer’s imagination by recalling old scenes from memory. The unconventional approach to the use of multi-colored fabrics and the use of repetitive motifs is intended to bring to our mind the image of the old Polish village, decorated with patterns of houses and windows with floral curtains.


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